COLRv1 is a promising new standard for color fonts that allows for SVG-like features such as gradients but using glyph data instead of embedded images. This reduces the bulky filesize of an OpenType SVG font, and opens the possibility of gradients in variable color fonts.
As of this writing, COLR v1 is supported in Chrome Canary when chrome://flags/#colr-v1-fonts
is enabled. More instructions and information are in the Gradients for COLR/CPAL Fonts specification.
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CSS font-palette
allows you to modify a color font’s palette using CSS. As of this writing, it is supported by the Safari Technology Preview.
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@font-palette-values --MyPalette {
font-family: "Bradley Initials DJR Web";
base-palette: 3;
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@font-palette-values --MyOverridePalette {
font-family: "Bradley Initials DJR Web";
override-colors: 0 yellow;